Only a few people get the chance to have the ultimate wildlife conservation experience of this magnitude.
Come join us during for a FULL week adventure on February 17th through the 24th for the Elephant Contraception EXPEDITION! Enroll today! Price ZAR 75,000
South Africa is considered the top leader in wildlife capture, translocations and conservation. By doing so they are able to restock animals to areas that need repopulation, which will help with spreading genetic diversity and increasing game numbers.
At Mapesu Private Game Reserve, one of their conservation projects was the reintroduction of elephants back into the land was completed in 2016. It is essential that our population of elephants does not exceed the carrying capacity of the reserve. By regulating the population, we are able to meet their ecological needs, food, water, space etc. as well as protect the biodiversity of other plants and animals on the reserve.
To limit the amount of elephants in Mapesu’s herd requires innovation to limiting or slow down the amount of births. As conservationist, we will not opt for culling, but rather arrange for the long term and responsible management of population control by immune-contraception through vaccination.
The process sounds easy but it is expensive and complex; requiring a various team of specialists from helicopter usage, veterinarians, and plenty of helpers to ensure its success.
Start this trip of lifetime the northern most region of South Africa, in the world renowned region of Limpopo, South Africa where not only will you participate in the action packed world of conservation but be enthralled in the many enriching highlights of the region.
- You’ll visit the UNESCO World Heritage Site at Mapungubwe National Park, where an ancient and influential kingdom once dominated the region trading gold and ivory with countries as far as Saudi Arabia, India and China during the iron age.
- Take a step back, even farther in time, when you visit fascinating artwork that are more than 2000 years old will bring intrigue and wonder at the Kaoxa Rock Art Shelter.
- Stroll through the Treetop walk, an elevated walkway that leads into the branches of large and brilliantly colored fever trees where you have a unique view of the animals and birds around the great Limpopo River.
- Enjoy morning and evening game drives at both Mapesu’s Reserve and the Mapungubwe National Park, which will lead to eye to eye views of the abundant wildlife in the region.
- Participate in the activities of the volunteer programme where you can learn how to read animal tracks, use the telemetry system, track one of the animals in our various conservation program such as the cheetah, rhino, elephant or wild dog and gain a vast amount of knowledge shared by experts in the field.
Beyond the daily adventures, you’ll be able to enjoy a day at the Spa at the Mopane Bush Lodge, and experience traditional and exceptions meals out in the bush, in the comfortable dining spaces, or around the boma under the vast and brilliant Milky Way stars.
You’ll also enjoy the down time and quarters in your luxury accommodation at the Mapesu Wilderness Tented Camp in large Serengeti styled ensuite and air-conditioned tents with large comfortable beds with private views on your patio overlooking the vast mopane bushveld. The site also has a large pool where you can order drinks at the bar and connect online with family and friends via the WiFi.
During the expedition in the contraception intervention, it will take a whole team to achieve the job, which is to locate the elephants and herd them by helicopter to an area that is reachable, darting them, and then the entire team rushes over to their location to get the task done.
Being able to touch one of these iconic animals can be an overwhelming sensation. Often time, participates new to conservation will have mixed emotions from sadness, to a deep welling sense of connection, and an incredible sense of wonder and joy. Feeling their rugged and tough hide, listening to their deep breaths, understanding the situation in which we as conservationist must intervene in order to ensure their well being and survival will create a lasting memory and will impact the way one views the world.
For information contact us at bookings
We’ll be offering more Expeditions throughout the year too!
- Elephant Bull Introduction (10 – 17 April 2020) Accommodation – Mapesu Wilderness Camp
- Tracking Collar Replacement (11 – 18 July 2020) Accommodation – Mopane Bush Lodge and Mapesu Trails Camp
- Rhino Collar Replacement and Introduction (12 – 19 August 2020) Accommodation – Wilderness Camp and Trails Camp
- Mapesu Game Count (3 – 8 October 2020) Accommodation – Mopane Bush Lodge
- Mapesu Bird and Overnight Hide Construction (5 – 12 December 2020) Accommodation – Mopane Bush Lodge – Tshungulu